Tuesday, February 08, 2005


Today on my way home, I heard on the radio that one of the "Entertainment News Shows" was having a special segment on Louis Vuitton. So, I raced home the rest of the way to see it. Ok, I was only 5 minutes away, but didn't want to miss it.

I saw the segment, thinking longingly of the Louis Vuitton list that is frozen in time ... and has been since we decided to adopt. It was the one thing that I had to give up ... OK, so it wasn't the only thing. I gave up my Porsche, too. But, y'know what?

I'm so happy with what we're doing and what we're planning on for our family, that I didn't even have a twinge of regret. My list is frozen indefinitely? So, what?

It will be unfrozen soon enough. Like when the kids are 10. :)

And the six I currently have in my collection? I use them every day.

1 comment:

bethee said...

Thanks for getting the spirit of my post. Yea. DH and I have done really well over the past few years. We pissed away more money than some people make in 3 years. AH, if only we had held on to some of it. :) Hey, you're only human, right?!

Life's too short not to have a Louis.