Friday, September 01, 2006


I'm singing the Go-Go's song as I type this.

DH has been invited to speak at a geek, uh, gaming conference in Austin this coming week, so I'm tagging along. Since we lived there for over 6 years, we've got alot of friends there. Our schedule is absolutely packed, and we wouldn't have it any other way! :)

Any regular blog readers who live in Austin and want to hook up for a Margarita, let me know. We'll figure something out! :)

Meanwhile, no news on the court date. I'm waiting for the phone to ring every day. So far no ringing. :(

Well, I'm off! I'll post anything from Austin if I hear. Otherwise I'll post a vacation breakdown when we get home. :)


A Room to Grow said...

still waiting along with you! have a nice weekend in austin!

Maggie said...

Have fun!