Sunday, November 19, 2006

Purse Tag

The contents of my purse have been moved to my diaper bag  for the duration of the diaper era. :)
So, other than the traditional diaper stuff (diapers, wipes, baggies, medicine, etc.), my purse has been relegated to a pocket in the bag. So here goes!
Wallet with all necessary (and frivolous) ID's, credit cards, and business and appointment cards.
My magenta Razr phone.
Two silver coins from our local grocery store. They qualify me for special reduced pricing on one item per coin.
Receipts from Bloomingdale's. I snuck out last night after the baby went to bed to return a bottle of perfume that I never opened. (I have a 7 day rule. If I don't wear it or use it within 7 days, it goes back to the store.)
Receipt from Teavana. I enjoyed a Ceylon Cranberry iced tea last night when I went to return the perfume. The store is tea equivilent of Starbucks minus the pasteries.
Receipt from the ATM machine.
Keys are absent as they are kept in a dish by the door.

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