Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Crossing the Street

This topic deserves its own blog post because the topic is so dangerous to your well being.

Crossing the street here in China is a feat unto itself. You need to cross aggressively, but not too aggressively. If you cross too aggressively, you're likely to get mowed down by the cab that would have let you cross if you'd shown a little humility.

Never look a driver in the face to see if they see you. They do. If they don't, simply back up and try again once they pass by. Its not uncommon to have to try a few times or wait a while until the street empties of cars and other hazards. Because you have to keep an eye on the electric bikes (these are unregistered and uninsured, and have a reputation for taking off after any conflict or accident) or regular bikes, cab-bikes or other vehicle (tri-car) before you actually make your full attempt to cross the road.

Make sure you step off the curb and get as far out into the street while its semi-empty. Carefully pick your way between cars (because cars blow red, yellow and all sorts of other lights) watching the on-coming traffic.

Cars will slow down if you cross with purpose but they will try to hit you if you're too timid.

Kid in hand? They don't care. No special treatment for you.

You'll get honked at by at least a dozen cars on your way to the other side. You definitely feel like the chicken who crossed the road. But there's only a "good" chance you'll get to the other side the first time. You might have to try a time or two, maybe three to actually get there.

Oh, and don't forget that cars and other vehicles use one way streets in both directions, so you need to be aware of those coming from the other direction.

As if you didn't have enough to look for.

1 comment:

deanna said...

Ha, ha...oh the memories.;-) Beijing was crazy...and I mean crazy. Guangzhou and in particular Shamian Island not so bad, but you still needed to be assertive, aggresive, and sure of yourself.:-)